City of Natchitoches Animal Control Office
The Animal Control office is open to the public Mondays through Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Stray dogs and cats found within the City of Natchitoches may now be brought to Animal Control. Those dropping off animals should have proper identification, proving they are residents of the City of Natchitoches. Stray animals may be brought to Animal Control on Tuesdays and Fridays between 8 a.m. and noon.
Please contact the Natchitoches Police Department for emergencies or those animals that pose a threat to human safety. The Police Department can be contacted at (318) 352-8101.
Non-vicious dogs and cats are now available for adoption through Animal Control . Those interested in adopting a dog or cat may visit Animal Control Mondays through Fridays between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monetary fees and paperwork are required to adopt an animal.
If you have lost a pet and believe it may have been picked up by Animal Control, please call the office to provide staff members with a photograph or description of your pet.
Animal Control is still in need of donations of supplies and materials. Needed items include dog food, collars, leashes, brushes, cat litter, flea shampoo and cleaning supplies. Please call the Animal Control office if you are interested in donating supplies or materials.
Animals available for adoption can be seen by visiting the Natchitoches Animal Control Shelter Facebook page.
Animal Rescue Groups
FAUNA (Friends All United for Natchitoches Animals)
FAUNA, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit charitable organization, was formed through a merger between the Natchitoches Humane Society (founded 1972) and Natchitoches Hope for Paws (founded 2009) in 2023. FAUNA is governed by a Board of Directors who oversees and maintains all aspects of the foster sites, adoption days, transports, fundraisers, marketing, and education.
The primary mission of FAUNA is to improve the lives of homeless, abandoned, and neglected animals throughout Natchitoches Parish, relieve any suffering from the animals, rehabilitate them to a state of adoption, and facilitate a reduction in the number of homeless animals by promoting spaying and neutering, encouraging adoption, and educating the public about responsible pet ownership.
FAUNA collaborates with rescue groups around the country to place some of the unwanted and abandoned animals in our parish into loving homes outside Louisiana and promotes local adoptions not only for animals in our care but also animals housed at the Natchitoches Animal Control Shelter. FAUNA has two facilities for housing animals awaiting adoption or transport to other rescue groups, as well as numerous foster families throughout the parish.
FAUNA is always in need of families and individuals to foster rescues, and volunteers to assist at the sites or events, as well as dog food and supplies. Monetary donations are also welcome to help continue their daily mission of saving and rehabilitating unwanted dogs and cats in our community. All donations and proceeds from their fundraisers go toward the ongoing rescue and medical. Each year, the organization is able to offer financial assistance to residents of Natchitoches and Red River Parish, dependent on income, toward reducing the cost of spaying and neutering pets (applications available at – Spay Natchitoches).
For more information on volunteering, becoming a foster parent, donating, or the spay and neuter program, please visit our website at
P.O. Box 2552
Natchitoches, La. 71457
FAUNA (Friends All United for Natchitoches Animals) on Facebook